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What have you said “No” to?

Be Still . . .
Devotionals for Daily Living ©

For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. It teaches us to say "No" to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age,
(Titus 2:11-12 (NIV))

Before you accepted Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, did you say "Yes" to what this sinful world has to offer?

In other words, did you sin?

If you are human, then I have something to share with you. It probably will not surprise you, but it needs to be said. It needs to be made clear. It needs to be understood that each and every single person who has ever lived has said "Yes" to sin.

for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
(Romans 3:23 (NIV))

For the wages of sin is death,
(Romans 6:23a (NIV))

Thankfully, the grace of God called for a plan. This plan was hinted at throughout the Old Testament. I love how it was presented in this passage.

"Come now, let us settle the matter,"
says the Lord.
"Though your sins are like scarlet,
they shall be as white as snow;
though they are red as crimson,
they shall be like wool.
(Isaiah 1:18 (NIV))

We have been given the ability to be made clean in the eyes of God. We have been given a "rest of the story" scenario.

but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
(Romans 6:23b (NIV))

We have been given the ability to overcome the world because He has overcome the world. Through His strength, we can resist the devil. We can resist temptation. We can say "No" to sin and fully rely on His strength to see us through this proclamation.

Think about your life. None of us are perfect. We all have things that we still struggle with as we grow into maturity in faith. Still, we are not what we once were. We have said "No" to this world.

What have you said “No” to?

Copyright 1998 - 2024 Dennis J. Smock
Daily Living Ministries, Inc.
