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How long does a refund from Qantas take

Qantas airline is one of the biggest airlines in Australia, which provides all types of services related to flights. If you have to cancel your flight for any reason, want to get your money back from the airline, and know the detailed information about the Qantas refund time, you need to read below.

Qantas refund policy

Every airline has different policies according to their needs and preference, here are some Qantas Airline policy through on refunds:

You will get a full refund if the flight is canceled from the airline side.
If you cancel your flight within 24 hours of booking, you will receive a complete refund.
If you cancel your flight after 24 hours, you will not get a full refund as some amount will be deducted, known as a cancellation charge.
Per the refund policies, the Qantas refund time is 14 days if you make the payments by using your card, and if you pay through some other way, you have to wait for 20 days to get a refund.

Check the refund status online.

The refund process sometimes takes longer than usual, and it will be hard for you to visit the airport or contact the airline daily to know the status of the refund from Qantas, then, there is a way through which you can check the status online without contacting the airport directly.

By following these steps, you will be able to see the refund status

Open the Official website of the airline or the mobile application.
Go to the “Check Refund Status” option in the menu.
Enter your “Booking number” and “Last name,” and you will be able to see the status of your refund.

If you still need any help, you can contact the airline through their helpline number, and their customer service team will assist you in solving any problem. You can also visit the Qantas airline website and read the available FAQs.
Qantas Refund Policy

How long are Qantas refunds taking?

Find all the relevant information on Qantas refund policy. Dial +1 802 200 9500, and ask how do I get a refund from Qantas and how long does it take to get a refund from Qantas.