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Fascia Nutrition - Resync Your Body


Resync Recovery
Plant-Based Reds + Anti-Inflammatory Properties
We all tend to carry & store more stress in our body than we realize. Addressing inflammation and supporting oxygenation is very important to fascia, and neurovascular systems.
Fascia, just like other connective tissues likes nitric oxide. Our vascular system cannot function without nitric oxide. As we age, we need to consume plant-based foods that support nitric oxide.
Resync Recovery contains the best quality reds Mother’s Nature offers & the right quantity of them per serving.
NO BEETS taste and NO SUGAR! Fascia, like the heart, likes nitric oxide but does not like sugar.
Red Spinach provides ≈ 5X’s more plant-based nitrates than red beets alone.
Clinically researched & 3rd party tested (NSF Sport Certified)
Support healthy inflammatory markers post-physical activity to keep your vascular & fascial systems healthy.

Hydrolyzed Collagen Peptides
Circulation & Joint Blend


Support the soft & hard skeleton health - everything from your skin, fascia, down to your bones.
Connective tissue repair on every level. Collagen, after water, is the largest component of fascia tissue. Yet, collagen alone, does not support fascia health. It needs Vit C, Cooper and other building blocks to synthesize collagen.
Reduce muscle & fascia soreness.
Lubricate skin & joints*
Clinically researched & 3rd party tested (NSF Sport Certified).

For more information please visit - https://resyncyourbody.com/nutrition/

Fascia Nutrition - Support Fascia & Neurovascular Systems Nutritionally 

Recover Energy With Resync’s Reds, Address Inflammation, Support Soft & Hard Skeleton, Nutritional Support